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Drain Life

Spell: Drain Life
Type/Color: V/Black
Target: One Character in the Caster's Clearing
Duration: Attack
Description: This spell generates an Attack of Length 12 and a speed equal to the Magic Chit used to cast it. On a successful hit, the caster rolls 1d6 and the target must Wound that many Chits. The same roll determines the number of Effort Asterisk that the caster may immediately Rest. Asterisks played to cast this spell are not eligible for Resting.

Author: Deric Page (deric dot page at usa dot net)
Author's Notes: Feel free to use this spell in any games if you wish. Be warned however that it has not yet been playtested, so unexpected results may occur and rulings will probably have to be made on the spot by players. The only thing I ask is that you make proper attributions & that you email me with notes on how the spell worked out in play.

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Page last modified on February 02, 2017, at 07:50 PM