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Clever Productive DwarfThis optional rule replaces the exception listed for the Dwarf under section 6.2.2(b) in the Third Edition rulebook as follows. It also supercedes the description for the Short Legs special ability:
Author's Note This is a very simple rule that more or less achieves the same result as the original Productive Dwarf optional suggestion currently used in RealmSpeak under Robin's House Rules, with the exception that it fixes the problem of the Dwarf getting ‘stuck’ at the cave entrances. It gives the Dwarf back his potential to rest quickly in caves that was part of the original Short Legs rule. Also, solves any ambiguities with horses or magic items that affect movement. Finally, it allows the Dwarf a chance to Rest or Hide from prowling Denizens even while motoring across the Realm at the breakneck speed of 2 clearings per Day, which in terms of play balance is quite fair. As far as game-play goes, you will find that the Dwarf ends up being slower than other characters but generally has more success at remaining hidden, since he can spend his two sunlit phases to Hide twice. Seems consistent with the idea of a small, short-legged and somewhat shifty creature.
Dwarf starts Birdsong in a forest clearing. He records one Move activity to enter an adjoining forest clearing. He records a second Move activity to enter a second adjoining forest clearing. He still has two sunlight phases left to spend, but he may not spend them on movement.
Dwarf starts Birdsong in a forest clearing. He records one Move activity to enter an adjoining cave clearing. He now looses his two sunlight phases per the normal rules, since he has entered a cave. But he still has one basic phase left available for any other activity he chooses.
Dwarf starts Birdsong in a forest clearing. He records one Move activity to enter an adjoining forest clearing. He records a second Move activity to enter a cave clearing. He now looses his two sunlight phases per the normal rules, since he has entered a cave, and can undertake no more activities that day.
Note: the Dwarf can't do this under the current Dwarf Short Legs Alternative/aka "Productive Dwarf" rule. Dwarf starts Birdsong in the cave clearing. He records one Move activity to enter an adjoining cave clearing. He records a second Move activity to enter an adjoining forest clearing. He now has no more phases left to spend since he spent part of that day in a cave and received no additional sunlight phases.
Dwarf wishes to enter a mountain clearing. During Birdsong he expends two consecutive Move activities and enters the mountain clearing per the normal rules. He still has two sunlight phases left to spend, and can spend them on anything he chooses other than movement.
Dwarf starts Birdsong in a forest clearing riding a Workhorse capable of carrying an 'H' load. He records one Move activity to enter an adjoining forest clearing. He records a second Move activity to enter a second forest clearing and uses the ‘bonus’ gained from his horse to enter a third forest clearing. He may not move any further this turn, since he has reached his maximum of two Move activities (plus the bonus from the horse). He still has two sunlight phases left to spend, and can spend them on anything other than movement.
It feels appropriate that the Dwarf portrayed in Magic Realm would have problems riding horses too. Nothing is stopping him from getting on a horse and riding it... he just isn't going to be very good at it because of his short legs. Hence even on a horse he can't ride as far each day as the other characters in the Realm can.
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